for an efficient corporate structure

From concept to support: we optimize your digital infrastructure

In today’s business world, a robust digital infrastructure is crucial. At LIT Solutions & Services, we understand the challenges companies face and offer tailored IT services to optimize their processes and increase their efficiency. From designing digital solutions to providing reliable support, we accompany our customers on their journey to a stable and future-proof corporate structure. Find out more about our services and how we can help you overcome your digital challenges.



Predictable and direct

The digital infrastructure is the pulse of a business. We review systems and streamline processes or advise on the implementation of new solutions – from ERP systems to CRM or DMS systems to simple enterprise resource planning, we create automated and pragmatic processes. With constructive support and reliable assistance, we ensure stability in production, sales, planning and communication.

We are specialists in digital business processes and our job is to develop concepts that take into account the entire business structure. As consultants and developers, we immerse ourselves in production processes and their upstream and downstream routines. Based on solid facts and defined workflows, we create dynamic digital solutions that can grow with your needs.

Businesses often evolve unexpectedly or have to respond spontaneously to market demands. Digital processes are not always prepared for this. The result is siloed solutions and media disruption. Inhomogeneous systems consume resources and limit growth opportunities. LIT Solutions & Services integrates inefficient individual solutions into a functioning overall system.

LIT Solutions & Services is always focused on a long-term and trustful working relationship. With this in mind, we support our customers and ensure that new developments can be quickly integrated into the digital system. This enables decision-makers to act on the basis of up-to-date information.

With LIT Solutions & Services, customers are on the safe side. It is an explicit part of our company policy to limit the number of companies placing orders in order to guarantee the agreed support. Our standards are high availability, fast response times and pragmatic flexibility.


IT Solutions

Customized digitization

To complement existing systems, we develop specialized applications tailored to specific workflows and applications. Our motto is: “As close to the standard as possible, as specific as necessary for individual requirements”. Digital systems are like living organisms that can, and in some cases must, adapt to their environment.

Whether it’s warehouse management, merchandise management, controlling, or accounting, the market for standard solutions is overwhelming. It can be challenging to determine the best fit for your existing workflow. However, it’s often a sensible addition to existing systems, intelligently integrated into proven processes, and tailored to your specific requirements. We develop the optimal solution, nothing more and nothing less!

Companies evolve and external requirements demand special measures. The demands on existing digital systems are growing due to the Supply Chain Act, ESG reporting, electronic invoicing, or the goal of paperless production. We work across departments and in close coordination with users to implement dynamic processes that can be integrated into familiar routines.

We plan and develop customized apps that support mobile workflows in a user-friendly way, increasing efficiency and flexibility throughout the company.